Bulgarian Register of Shipping.
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No. 03/15
Guidelines on application of MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 18 in Emission Control Areas(ECAs).
No. 02/15
Circular 02_15 List of New and Revised IACS Resolutions published in 2014 (01.01.2014 – 17.10.2014).
No. 01/15
Circular 01_15_PSC List of detained BRS ships and Ratio of Index related to PSC inspections for 2014/second half.
No. 02/14
Circular 02_14_PSC List of detained BRS ships and Ratio of Index related to PSC inspections for 2014/first half.
No. 01/14
Circ 01_2014_ PSC index 2013 (1) List of detained BRS ships and Ratio of Index related to PSC inspections for 2013.
No. 04/13
New amendments to BRS Rules come into force 2014.
No. 03/13
List of detained BRS ships and Ratio of Index related to PSC inspections till June 2013.
No. 02/13
New IMO/IACS Regulations come into force 2013/2014.
No. 01/13
List of detained BRS ships and Ratio of Index related to PSC inspections for 2012/second half.
No. 08/12
List of detained BRS ships and Ratio of Index related to PSC inspections for the firs half of 2012.
No. 07/12
ISM/ISPS Certification under St. Vincent Flag - Additional requirements
No. 06/12
Survey Checklist for installation of Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System(BNWAS)
No. 05/12
Concentrate Inspection Campaign (CIC) of Paris & Tokyo MOUs from 1 Sept. 2012 to 30 Nov. 2012
No. 04/12
Bulgarian version only: Нови форми за кораби вътрешно плаване
No. 03/12
Bulgarian version only: План-Програма за издаване на Правилата на БКР през 2012
No. 02/12
Plan – Programme for training of BRS Surveyors in 2012
No. 01/12
List of detained BRS ships and Ratio of Index related to PSC inspections for 2011
No. 09/11
Outstanding recommendations and conditions of Class.
No. 08/11
Bulgarian version only: Instruction notice No.:111 of Bulgarian Maritime Administration for Bulgarian Flagged Vessels.
No. 07/11
New Amendments Entering into Force in 2012.
No. 06/11
Bulgarian Version Only: Предложени мерки от ИАМА към признатите от нея Организации.
No. 05/11
Bulgarian Version Only: Списък на задържани кораби плаващи с Клас на БКР за Iто шест месечие.
No. 04/11
Union of Comoros Flag Special requirements.
No. 03/11
Issuance of Exemption of Flag Administrations.
No. 02/11
Bulgarian Version Only: Списък на задържаните кораби, плаващи с клас на БКР, за IIто шестмесечие на 2010 г. по силата на Парижки и Черноморски Меморандум и справка за процентното изражение на показателите относно PSC- инспекции за същия период и за годината.
No. 01/11
New IMO Instruments, mandatory on or after 01.01.2011
No. 06/10
Antifouling System Certification after Dry Docking Survey.
No. 05/10
Bulgarian Version Only: Списък на задържаните кораби, плаващи с клас на БКР, за Iто шестмесечие на 2010 г. по силата на Парижки и Черноморски Меморандум и справка за процентното изражение на показателите относно PSC- инспекции за същия период.
No. 04/10
Implementation of the amendments to the International Conventions of IMO.
No. 03/10
Survey of ESP single side bulk carriers and tankers.
No. 02/10
Bulgarian Version Only: Списък на задържани кораби плаващи с Клас на БКР за II-то шест месечие.
No. 01/10
Amendments to the International Conventions coming into force from 01.01.2010